Monday, December 24, 2012

Paul's Christmas Eggnog Recipe

1 bottle Kraken black spiced rum
Some eggnog (I guess)

mix it... Drink

Paul's Adventures In Beer: Mahr's Brau Christmas Both

Just a little something I picked up at the store on Christmas Eve.
It's label has some kind of thing riding what I believe to be a goat.
Imported from Bamberg, Germany, this Christmas bock boosts a 6% abv and goods down smooth as I look at the tree all lit up or is that a fire? Omg did I set the lights up wrong...

Sunday, December 23, 2012

Paul's Adventure's In Beer: Reindeer Droppings

Nice label. A beer in a beer in a beer and so on.
6% and full of holiday cheer.
Another beer from the UK straight from Ridgeway Brewing in Oxfordshire.
An amber ale with a decent bitter taste that's to my liking.
Merry Christmas!
Happy Holidays!

Paul's Adventures In Beer: Santa's Little Helper

Writing this while drinking this wonderful holiday stout called:
Santa's Little Helper Imperial Stout...
It's brewed at Port Brewing in San Marcos, California.
10% abv and it is so tasty ... Great buy
Not sure what to say... It's good.
Fuck you... Don't judge my writing.
I can hardly read never mind write... Jerk.
What? Now you expect me to write more after you just insulted me?!
Great label on this bottle btw.
Ok. Have a great night. HAPPY HOLIDAYS!

Friday, December 21, 2012

Harley Then... Harley Now

What a cute little fucker. Awwwwwwwwww

Paul's Adventures In Beer: Bad Elf

Tonight's special Friday beer comes all the way from the UK. Bad Elf, a perfectly good Christmas stocking stuffer. With a 6% ABV and a friendly elf on its label, its sure to bring holiday cheer.
Its golden and has a kind of bitter taste that goes down smooth. I am enjoying it.

Paul's Adventures In Beer: Winter Shredder

Well, I had avoided dedicating to a six pack a few times now but I saw a single bottle in the cooler that was calling to out to me. So, here goes nothing as I try out: Winter Shredder!
To start off, this is a local beer brewed in Massachusetts at Cisco Brewers in Nantucket. 6% abv isn't that bad... Nice dark redish brown color ale that says its brewed with natural spices. Hmmm not bad. I'm no beer expert but I would say this beer was worth the $10.99 a six pack... Maybe I won't pass it by next time.
Kind of a weird after taste in hindnote (is that a word?).
Till the next beer... I'm Paul Alcantara... You stay classy assholes!


Just another day.

Monday, December 17, 2012

Sunday, December 16, 2012

Paul's Adventures In Beer: Long Trail Survival Pack

Straight out of the great mini-state of Vermont comes a unique New England variety 12 pack called the Long Trail Survival Pack. It's box sports a very festive winter scene with two bears making awkward sexual advances toward each other and demands as the company saying goes "Take A Hike!". I guess I'll avoid hiking Vermont woods as I have a thing about interrupting bears from mating especially now that I know the animals are also alcoholics capable of operating sleds and setting fires.
Anyways... The box aside... This 12 pack features such beers as:
3 Long Trail Ale
3 Hit The Trail Ale
3 Pale Ale
3 Hibernator
The Long Trail Ale is an amber ale of Germanic style, the Hit The Trail Ale is a brown ale of northern English style, the Pale Ale is a classic English style pale ale and the Hibernator is an unfiltered winter brew.
I look forward to trying them all...

Harley's Tale: Puffs N' Purrs cat treats review

Harley demands attention and treats. Tonight he and his brothers get a special treat I picked up at Ocean State Job Lot for a bargain $1.50 (don't tell him that).
Low fat and low calorie? lol. Let's see how they respond...
Well... Harley and Teddy refused to eat it. They even looked at me like I was some kind of asshole.
Oh well... Can't always win with these animals.
Harley's Grading: Get the fuck out of here with this shit! *turns tail and walks away disgusted*

So... I Made A Blog

So... I made a blog. If you can read and have internet access you might actually be here right now reading and trying to comprehend what it is I'm trying to do here. Or you could just be staring at the words, crying a little, as you realize you actually have no idea how to read at all. If its the former... Welcome!

What is this? Well, I have no idea. That's about all I can say.

Till my next Blogger post... Stay classy

Paul Alcantara