1 bottle Kraken black spiced rum
Some eggnog (I guess)
mix it... Drink
Just a little something I picked up at the store on Christmas Eve.
It's label has some kind of thing riding what I believe to be a goat.
Imported from Bamberg, Germany, this Christmas bock boosts a 6% abv and goods down smooth as I look at the tree all lit up or is that a fire? Omg did I set the lights up wrong...
Nice label. A beer in a beer in a beer and so on.
6% and full of holiday cheer.
Another beer from the UK straight from Ridgeway Brewing in Oxfordshire.
An amber ale with a decent bitter taste that's to my liking.
Merry Christmas!
Happy Holidays!
Writing this while drinking this wonderful holiday stout called:
Santa's Little Helper Imperial Stout...
It's brewed at Port Brewing in San Marcos, California.
10% abv and it is so tasty ... Great buy
Not sure what to say... It's good.
Fuck you... Don't judge my writing.
I can hardly read never mind write... Jerk.
What? Now you expect me to write more after you just insulted me?!
Great label on this bottle btw.
Ok. Have a great night. HAPPY HOLIDAYS!
Tonight's special Friday beer comes all the way from the UK. Bad Elf, a perfectly good Christmas stocking stuffer. With a 6% ABV and a friendly elf on its label, its sure to bring holiday cheer.
Its golden and has a kind of bitter taste that goes down smooth. I am enjoying it.
Well, I had avoided dedicating to a six pack a few times now but I saw a single bottle in the cooler that was calling to out to me. So, here goes nothing as I try out: Winter Shredder!
To start off, this is a local beer brewed in Massachusetts at Cisco Brewers in Nantucket. 6% abv isn't that bad... Nice dark redish brown color ale that says its brewed with natural spices. Hmmm not bad. I'm no beer expert but I would say this beer was worth the $10.99 a six pack... Maybe I won't pass it by next time.
Kind of a weird after taste in hindnote (is that a word?).
Till the next beer... I'm Paul Alcantara... You stay classy assholes!
Straight out of the great mini-state of Vermont comes a unique New England variety 12 pack called the Long Trail Survival Pack. It's box sports a very festive winter scene with two bears making awkward sexual advances toward each other and demands as the company saying goes "Take A Hike!". I guess I'll avoid hiking Vermont woods as I have a thing about interrupting bears from mating especially now that I know the animals are also alcoholics capable of operating sleds and setting fires.
Anyways... The box aside... This 12 pack features such beers as:
3 Long Trail Ale
3 Hit The Trail Ale
3 Pale Ale
3 Hibernator
The Long Trail Ale is an amber ale of Germanic style, the Hit The Trail Ale is a brown ale of northern English style, the Pale Ale is a classic English style pale ale and the Hibernator is an unfiltered winter brew.
I look forward to trying them all...